investingvilla Review – Earn up to 0.30% per hour

Is a scam or paying? You can take the following review as a reference to help you make a decision whether to invest or not...

Is a scam or paying? You can take the following review as a reference to help you make a decision whether to invest or not. has joined the list of HYIPs just recently and many people are itching to know what is peculiar about it. Well, the main point is that is paying, so it is not a scam. You are free to join it now and receive payments hourly. However, you may want to know some more details about it so we encourage you to read the full length of this review to have an in-depth knowledge of what this new HYIP represents. Payment Status: SCAM!  Not Paying! is already a SCAM. They have stopped paying. Do Not Invest! originated from the UK and it has its main office in the land too. It has the company number, 10578681, and would love any interested Bitcoin mining and trading individual or group to partake in its venture, whether they are from the UK or not.
Having been just one day online, the site has already recorded a tremendous performance in registration and site visitors. There are already 669 accounts with a total of about 20 BTC deposited. If such an amount was raised in less than two days, the question to ask is why and what makes appear so real?
Before we look at possible reasons why people may love the site, let’s delve a little to what the site looks like and if it is actually capable of retaining its visitors.

Overview of

There is one particular thing that thrills our team anytime we visit the site. It is that circular frame that jumps with the interest rate that the company pays. It rotates with the inscription, “0.15% hourly up to 0.30% hourly forever.” And that is just a tip of the iceberg; the entire site looks wonderfully arranged and the colors used in the design suit the information they are used to pass across.  If you love bitcoins, then you are at the right place because that is the only supported currency and payment processor on the website. You may love the server time at the top of the pages as it will guide you in knowing the exact hour to expect your accruals from the investments you have chosen.
Apart from these surface phenomena, there are other things that matter to HYIP investors. It is now time to look at what must have made more than 600 investors to identify with the site within 24 hours. Investment Plans Investment Plans

What Makes stand above the rest?

Fast Registration

It usually takes hard work to succeed in anything that is profitable. However, this is not the case with as registrations typically take about one minute only.

No scanning of Documents

Bank registrations and virtually anything that involves money spending and profit accrual require lots of paper work including scanning of original certificates and getting affidavits. However, the beauty of lies in the fact that you don’t have to do any of these. Everything from registration to receiving profits can be done anonymously so that nobody can track the success you are making if you have chosen to hide it.

Low Deposits Required requires a low deposit of 0.005 BTC for starters. This is enough to yield 0.15% every hour forever. The other interest rates are 0.20% and 0.30% but they require more deposits of 5 BTC and 10 BTC respectively. We advise you to start with the lowest plan or at least one that you can easily afford. Be assured that the site is paying at the moment so you are likely going to start earning the next hour if you start now.

Principal Back Anytime

You will have your principal back anytime you want it, but you may be asked to pay a processing fee of 8%. We think that there would be no need to demand for your initial deposit because we are enjoying the investment platform ourselves. Instead of losing 8% of your money later in a bid to get back your funds, it would be better to invest the right amount so that you can have some money to take care of other needs or emergencies that may arise.

3-Level Affiliate Commission

The 3-level affiliate commission will increase your chance of becoming richer. This multi level referral commission makes it irrelevant for you to always to do talking or advertising. As long as you have friends who can convince other people, you are always going to be sure of getting a bank alert from The referral commission is 5%, 2% and 1% for levels 1, 2 and 3 respectively.


The safety of your fund is assured with the level of security in place. The servers used are dedicated and protected against DDoS attack. The information you send is also protected with EV SSL encryption so that you can always be in charge of your account.

Conclusion is already a SCAM. They have stopped paying. Do Not Invest!


Hyip Scam 6005955266311837618

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